The internet is constantly evolving and changing. Many people refer to the current state of the internet as Web 2.0. However, a new internet era is starting to take shape, called Web 3.0

So, what is it? And how does it work with cryptocurrency? 

What is Web 3.0?

Web three-point-zero, is a term used to describe the next internet generation. It is sometimes also referred to as the Semantic Web, Linked Data, or the Giant Global Graph. 

Web 3.0 is to make the internet more intelligent and interconnected. To do this, it relies on three leading technologies: 

  • The Semantic Web is a Web of data of dates and titles, part numbers and chemical properties, and any other data.
  • Linked Data represents this data so it can be linked together and queried as if it were one extensive database.
  • The Giant Global Graph is a term used to describe the total of all the linked data on the Semantic Web. 

It promises to provide a more intelligent and interconnected internet experience with these three technologies in place. 

How Does Web 3.0 Work For Cryptocurrency?

The Giant Global Graph will be integral to Web 3.0, as it will provide the infrastructure needed to support a decentralized internet. It is where cryptocurrency comes in. Cryptocurrency is online money that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and control new units. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, not subject to government or financial institution control. 

What are the Benefits of Using Web 3.0?

  • You Can Have A Website With No Coding Skills

It offers a decentralized web, also known as the Dweb. This type of internet infrastructure is peer to peer, meaning that there is no central server that everyone has to connect to. Instead, each user connects directly to other users. It makes it impossible for anyone to take down the network or censor what people see and do online.

What does this mean for you? It means that you can create a website without any coding skills! All you need is HTML and CSS knowledge (and maybe some JavaScript). Many tutorials can teach how to make an essential website in an afternoon.

Plus, there are no hosting fees associated with Dweb websites. You can host your website on your computer or use a service like IPFS (similar to BitTorrent).

IPFS is one of the most popular protocols used in Web 30 applications. It stands for InterPlanetary File System, and it’s a game-changer for the way we think about storing data. With IPFS, files are stored decentralized (like how BitTorrent works).  There is no single point of failure, and anyone can access files from anywhere.

What’s more, IPFS is censorship-resistant. It means that even if governments or ISPs try to block certain content, people will still be able to access

  • It is Easier To Get Found On The Internet And Search Engines

Since there is no central server, it’s easier for search engines to crawl and index websites on the Dweb. Your website is more likely to show up in search results. Plus, since there is no central authority, you have to follow no rules or regulations. You can pretty much do whatever you want!

Of course, this comes with some risks. Since anyone can create a website, it’s easy for scammers and fraudsters to set up fake websites. So, it would be best to be careful when you’re browsing the Dweb.

  • You Can Be Anonymous Online With Web 

The third characteristic of the web is that it enables users to remain anonymous. It is done through the use of encryption and decentralized networks. With these features, users can communicate and transact without revealing their identities. 

It makes it challenging for authorities to track or censor activities on the web. The web also offers a higher degree of security than traditional web applications.

  • Web Is More Secure 

The web is more secure than traditional applications because of its decentralized nature. When data is stored on a centralized server, it is more vulnerable to hacking and data breaches. However, when data is stored on a decentralized network, it is much more difficult for hackers to access.

The web also has the potential to be more private than traditional web applications. When data is stored on a centralized server, it is subject to government surveillance and data mining. 


Web 3.0 is a term for a set of emerging technologies intersecting cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and distributed systems that extend the capabilities of the web as you know it today. These technologies offer a range of new features and benefits that can change how you interact with the internet.


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