Barely any individuals have more prominent knowledge into the indiscretions and flaws of people than cell phone fix professionals. Certainly, Shakespeare is the expert with regards to cutting perceptions about human instinct, yet individuals who fix our telephones see us at our most defenseless disfigured equipment in palms, normally with a few humiliating and life-changing mix-up to admit.

Laxmi Agrawal of Cupertino iPhone Repair and Sam Shoman of SF Smart Wireless have seen everything. A client who dropped his telephone in the snow and tracked down it two months after the fact in a puddle of snowmelt. A client whose telephone was run over by a truck and acquired the gadget with tire chain marks squashed into the screen.

The world is loaded up with potential tech unfairness, so it’s ideal to act prudently and enclose your telephone by a defensive case.

Their experience shows that regardless of whether you’ve promised to be cautious, the world is loaded up with potential tech bad form, so it’s ideal to act prudently and enclose your telephone by a defensive case. We conversed with these two specialists who have seen the most frightening cell phone shocking tales, and they offered a few counsel you can use to try not to witness your own

Safeguard Your Phone From Impact

The most widely recognized issue Agrawal says carries clients to fix shops is broken glass screens. Screens are especially powerless against breaking assuming the focal point is at a side of the telephone, where the power applied on the glass is more focused.

For a standard degree of security, pick a case made of a shock-permeable material (like silicone or elastic) that covers your telephone’s weak corners. Shoman exhorts cell phone proprietors against plastic cases, which don’t really ingest shock and are likelier to make an interpretation of any effect on the actual gadget.

Past that, what you purchase relies upon how and where you utilize your telephone. A thin case might be fine on the off chance that you’re certain you’ll just expose your telephone to regular knocks and minor drops. Attempt a clear thin case like Totallee or Peel’s cases for iPhones, Google Pixel handsets, and Samsung Galaxy gadgets to flaunt your telephone’s plan.

Cases with thick, massive shells add more weight and retain more noteworthy shock. Agrawal suggests these cases for more youthful telephone clients.

“Youngsters are especially inclined to breaking their telephones,” she says, noticing accounts of more youthful clients dropping or stepping on their telephones. For teenagers (or let’s be honest, developed grown-ups) who incline toward substantial assurance, Agrawal suggests OtterBox brand cases. OtterBox offers cases for iPhone and a wide assortment of Android telephones. The sign of the OtterBox brand is the Defender series cases, which go through thorough tests for toughness. The Defender Series Case for the iPhone 13, for instance, offers a tough polycarbonate shell, folds that safeguard charging ports, and a holster. (Indeed, a holster.) It provides your telephone with the strong demeanor of a scaled down Transformer.
Think about Your Needs

As far as Agrawal can tell, water harm is more uncommon than screen harm, however she noticed that oceanic mishaps will quite often happen during long ends of the week and summers when swimmers erroneously take their telephones along for a plunge. In the event that you can’t avoid the call of the ocean, Pelican’s Marine cases for iPhone offer waterproof, drop-tried assurance to endure shock dunks.

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Water harm is less of an issue since water opposition became standard in the top telephones, yet remember that this kind of insurance doesn’t reach out to the sea. Saltwater is destructive, so a waterproof case could be smart assuming there’s any danger your telephone will come into contact with it.


Assuming you’re continually extending the constraints of your telephone’s battery, Mophie offers cases that twofold as chargers. Folio or wallet cases, similar to these Pad and Quill ones for iPhone, can carry your telephone, alongside different necessities, similar to your ID and that stamp card you generally appear to neglect to bring to the frozen yogurt place. As an or more, Shoman takes note of that these can give a shockingly decent degree of assurance, as many deal full inclusion around the edges and a metal catch that keeps the telephone set up.

For non-iPhone clients, specific telephone cases can be more hard to track down. Shoman, an Android client himself, sees that many telephone case organizations plan items exclusively for iPhones. You can typically track down huge loads of choices assuming you utilize a Samsung telephone, a Google Pixel, or even an OnePlus telephone, yet your decisions get slimmer from that point. Shoman suggests talking with a neighborhood telephone mechanics shop to have a tweaked case constructed.

Would it be advisable for you to Use a Screen Protector?

Telephone extra retailers frequently convey screen defenders, which stick straightforwardly to the telephone’s touchscreen surface. Our specialists suggest putting resources into safety glass screen defenders, which divert scratches more successfully than plastic screen defenders.

Shoman suggests that his clients search for screen defenders with a 9H hardness rating. “It’s the ideal thickness, you actually get that top quality lucidity in the screen,” he says.

In any case, Agrawal and Shoman caution that a screen defender’s degree of guard again harming impacts is restricted. While cement screen defenders actually safeguard telephones from direct power on the touchscreen, they don’t hold up too when the telephone is affected from the sides or corners. A safety glass screen defender should be utilized related to a case.

Tracking down Your Ideal Case

You will need to pick a shading and plan that suits your style, however there are a couple of different things worth pondering. Consider how the case will feel close by. Many cases have furrowed sides or extraordinary completions to improve hold. All things considered, the best drop security isn’t dropping your telephone in any case. Do you need a kickstand to set the telephone up in scene mode while you watch films? What about MagSafe similarity assuming you have a new iPhone?

Be careful solid button covers or sick fitting patterns. Openings for ports and camera focal points should be adequately liberal to not cause issues while utilizing your telephone. Thicker, tough cases can now and then impede remote charging. In the event that you can’t give a case a shot prior to purchasing, read a few web-based surveys or ask the maker.

Plastic is the most widely recognized material utilized for telephone cases, normally polycarbonate, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane), or a combination of the two. In any case, what happens when you redesign your telephone in several years? That case will probably join the developing tide of plastic waste and could without much of a stretch outlast you. We are beginning to see biodegradable plastic telephone cases, however on the off chance that you’re worried about the effect of plastic on the climate, it very well may be smarter to go with another material, as supportable wood.

Wise counsel

The encounters our cell phones permit us to have (getting the most recent data, taking pictures we treasure, keeping in contact with friends and family) are certainly worth safeguarding. Yet, as telephones become progressively convenient, we open them to more serious dangers, from the components to past human mistake. Agrawal and Shoman underline that while cases are the most effective way to prudently safeguard your telephone, no case is 100% secure.

Shoman’s straightforward guidance for cell phone proprietors: “Truly be on it less. Keep it in your pocket. Use it when required.”

Our advisers for the Best iPhone 13 Cases, Best iPhone 12 Cases, Best Samsung Galaxy S21 Cases, and Best Google Pixel Cases are great spots to begin. Regardless of whether you own one of those telephones, you will observe valuable guidance and tips on probably the best case brands.


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