This article outlines fraudsters’ recent online activities to defraud people and collect their personal information. Read more details about Postoffice Gb Com Scam.

Are you aware of an online fraud that was made using postal services? If so, you should read this article, which provides pertinent details about the ongoing scams that are based on online platforms.

The people from within the United Kingdom received a message that outlined the status of delivery of the parcel of the recipient. Many people viewed the text as suspicious and various discussions and forums were initiated to determine the legitimacy of the text.

Let’s look at and evaluate each possible resource in order to better understand how to understand the Postoffice Gb Comp scam in-depth.

About Scam

Many people received a message with the delivery information of their parcel. the message urged recipients to deposit PS1.45 online to get the parcel. In addition to that, an online website, “,” was also provided for proceeding with the payment.

A lot of text recipients were confused because they didn’t have an order. The grammar error prevented some customers to ignore such messages.

The operation consisted of sending random messages to a variety of individuals to catch the person who made an order. Then, they wait to see the status of the order.

Postoffice Gb Com Scam

  • This scam focuses on luring those who are waiting for the delivery status of their item.
  • Many believe that the message came coming from the original delivery agent since they only know the status of the order.
  • The buyer is requested to pay an amount of money to ensure the item’s delivery. The majority of people trust the messages sent by scammers to them because the costs are not high.
  • A user then directed to visit a site to complete the process of paying, and the customer loses even additional funds.

People’s Opinion on Scam

  • Maggie is an UK citizen has received a text message from the Post Office Gb Com scaminforming that she needed to pay for fee for rebook delivery by going to an online site. After she visited the website asking for her bank account details.
  • Post Office spokesperson informed that the postal office does not send messages about parcels or mail.
  • The majority of people received texts with the words “PS1.45” delivery fees.

How To Avoid Such Scams?

  • Do not click on the links in a text message until you are certain of the authenticity of the person who sent it.
  • Use only sites that are official to monitor your purchases.
  • Send a report of suspicious messages to aid in blocking the phone number. We will learn about the Postoffice Gb Com scam.
  • Untrusted applications that are downloaded via emails and texts must be avoided in totality.
  • You should delete the messages as quickly you notice that they are suspicious.
  • Block messages that contain spelling and grammar errors.
  • In the event of doubt In case of doubt, you can call or email the delivery person in question to find out the delivery status of your item.


Online scams continue to evolve in the course of time, and people who use them employ new tricks and strategies to deceive people to rob them of their personal financial information.


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